Monday, March 16, 2015

K, so...

Affectionately referred to as cheese (queso) by my sister and her family.

It's also used to preface a lot of the dialogue that goes on around me. Last week and this week over on Five Pages of Something, we have been talking about ways to eliminate unnecessary words. I think sometimes we are so used to hearing wordy phrases that we incorporate them in our writing.

This is A-OK, so... It really is only OK in your drafts. Today's readers want the heart of the matter, not a lot of fluff leading up to your point.

Here are a few examples from grammar expert Richard Nordquist's post 200 Common Redunancies:

free gift

add an additional

artificial prosthesis

armed gunman

Write cautiously and precisely, but Write On my friends.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Overcoming Obstacles

I'm writing this post for myself. Kind of a little pep-talk. I'm in a slump. A hole I can't seem to dig myself out of. I'm filling my jar with pebbles rather than rocks. It's dragging me down.

What do you do to get out of a slump?

Here's my A-list, my rocks if you will (in order of importance to me):

Husband and Kids
Spiritual Growth
Church responsibilities
ANWA responsibilities
Business responsibilities

My B-list, or pebbles (in no particular order):
Cleaning the house
Down Time
Grocery Shopping
Blogging (hah!)

Unfortunately, things like grocery shopping and laundry aren't easily put off, they demand my time. And in their defense, I let them. I have talked about putting A-list things first or designating them with an "A" when I send my list to my Accountability Partners. But, I haven't done that yet. It mentally exhausts me to think about it. I told you I was in a bad spot. The only person that can get me out of it is me and God. Perhaps if I trust more in His grace and think less of my own frailty and neediness, maybe I can pull it together. Maybe. (My faith is lacking).

Here is what I want you to know: God knows you and loves you. Whatever the challenges we face, He is there to help us through. I see His hand daily in my life and in the lives of my family. Rely on Him, get through your challenges, your slumps, your dark night of the soul, and like a bright light, Write On my friends. We can do this!

Monday, February 23, 2015

Post-Conference Blues

I love writing conferences. I have been closely involved with the ANWA Time Out for Writers Conference for the past several years. This year's conference was many things from educational to inspiring, from fun to serious, from agents to editors and best-selling authors. I cannot say enough good things or thank-yous to the people who put it together.

There wasn't one class block that didn't offer a class I wanted to attend. (I think that's a first for me.) The two keynote speakers were Brandon Mull and Regina Sirois. W-O-W! Both inspired and touched me.

The bookstore: I spent more money than I planned. What a great group of authors were represented there. Super excited to read them (as soon as I'm done with the four I have committed to read over the next week--how does time go so quickly? Yikes! I guess I should read a little today).

Thank you Conference Co-Chairs, Janette Rallison and Rebecca Lamoreaux, and your fabulous Conference Committee! Well done.

Write on my friends (and start stashing $15/month so you can attend next year).

Over on Five Pages of Something, a blog where I contribute, we are giving away a copy of Stephen Wilbers' Mastering the Craft of Writing. All you have to do is follow via email (enter your email address on the right hand side...easy peasy). Promotion ends soon, so sign up today.

Thursday, February 19, 2015


As you can see to the left, my countdown widget is almost at zero. Hooray. I love writing conferences and the ANWA Time Out for Writers Conference is always fun and educational. I am able to network with peers and editors and agents as well as learn new things about the craft of writing. Speaking of the craft of writing, if you head over to Five Pages of Something and follow by email, you will be entered to win a copy of Steven Wilbers' Mastering the Craft of Writing--one of my favorite books on improving your craft. Join me at Conference this weekend or over on FPS and let's share this writing journey. Write on my friends.

Book Sale!

Need some sweet romance to sigh your way through the holidays? Here you go: Merry Christmas and happy wishes for however you celebrate!