Showing posts with label Donna Hatch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Donna Hatch. Show all posts

Thursday, April 13, 2017

The Matchmaking Game by Donna Hatch

The Matchmaking Game by Donna Hatch

Isn't this cover beautiful? Loved this book. There are several reasons why. It was a light, easy read. I like regency romance. It's clean. But on a deeper level, Ms. Hatch brilliantly weaves characters and their situation, intertwining them with the impossible, and making the reader yearn for what the characters seemingly cannot have. Very satisfying read. Still sighing.

I recommend you buy this one. It's currently on Amazon for pre-order, but will be available April 18.

reader's note: I received an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review. My opinions are my own.

You can check out more fine works by this author here:




Thursday, December 3, 2015

The Suspect's Daughter: COVER REVEAL!

If you have read any of my post about author Donna Hatch (or have read one of her books), you will know why I am so excited about her new book. I'm thrilled to participate in her latest book's cover reveal and I hope you are too. So, read on, my friends (and don't forget to enter the giveaway):

Donna Hatch is the award-winning author of the best-selling “Rogue Hearts Series.” She discovered her writing passion at the tender age of 8 and has been listening to those voices ever since. A sought-after workshop presenter, she juggles freelance editing, multiple volunteer positions, her six children (seven, counting her husband), and still makes time to write. Yes, writing IS an obsession. A native of Arizona who recently transplanted to the Pacific Northwest, she and her husband of over twenty years are living proof that there really is a happily ever after.

Follow Donna on her Social Media pages:

Now let's take a look at the book!

Determined to help her father with his political career, Jocelyn sets aside dreams of love. When she meets the handsome and mysterious Grant Amesbury, her dreams of true love reawaken. But his secrets put her family in peril.
Grant goes undercover to capture conspirators avowed to murder the prime minister, but his only suspect is the father of a courageous lady who is growing increasingly hard to ignore. He can’t allow Jocelyn to distract him from the case, nor will he taint her with his war-darkened soul. She seems to see past the barriers surrounding his heart, which makes her all the more dangerous to his vow of remaining forever alone.

Okay here is the cover!!!!

Follow along on the event Facebook page to enjoy all the fun of this cover reveal!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Queen in Exile by Donna Hatch

I have really been looking forward to this. Donna Hatch is an amazing author. Her fun sense of humor and her love of romance shine through in her stories and I'm sure this one will not disappoint. Read on for more on her latest book:

Queen in Exile  is
combination of fantasy and romance. 
Don't miss your the
chance to win this thrilling tale.

Rumors of war hang over Princess Jeniah's peaceful country of Arden, a land that shuns both magic and warfare. Following a lifelong dream, Jeniah forms a telpathic bond with a revered creature called a chayim, who is prophesied to save her kingdom. But when a Darborian knight comes upon Jeniah with her chayim, he sees only a vicious monster about to devour a maiden, and he slays the beast.

Devastated by the loss of her chayim, and fearing that her own magic is evil, Jeniah doubts her destiny. When an enemy invades Arden City, they slaughter the people, storm the castle, and execute the entire royal family except the princess. Rescued by the knight who slew her chayim, Jeniah is now heir to the throne of Arden and the only hope for freeing her people from tyranny.

On the run and hunted by enemy soldiers, Jeniah must place her life and the fate of her kingdom in the hands of this trained killer. Torn between embracing her destiny as queen of Arden, and her love for a mere knight, she must ultimately rely on her magic to save herself and her people from death and tyranny.

Want a win one of three copies of Queen in Exile? The answer isYES! And, it's easy.

1. Visit the fabulous reviews and leave a comment letting us know why you're excited to read Queen in Exile. Remember to include your email address.

2. If you tweet about the blog tour, post about it on your blog or facebook, or become a fan of  Romance Author Donna Hatch on Facebook, leave the link in the comments section and you'll receive an additional entry.

All entires need to be left by Midnight, MST, Sunday, March 18, 2012. You won't be sorry.

Monday, March 15, 2010

The Stranger She Married

Disclaimer: I purchased this book and received no compensation from the author for this review.

Back of the book:
When her parents and only brother die within weeks of each other, Alicia and her younger sister are left in the hands of an uncle who has brought them all to financial and social ruin. Desperate to save her family from debtor's prison, Alicia vows to marry the first wealthy man to propose. She meets the dashing Lord Amesbury, and her heart whispers that this is the man she is destined to love, but his tainted past may forever stand in their way. Her choices in potential husbands narrow to either a scarred cripple with the heart of a poet, or a handsome rake with a deadly secret.

Cole Amesbury is tormented by his own ghosts, and believes he is beyond redemption, yet he cannot deny his attraction for the girl whose genuine goodness touches the heart he'd thought long dead. He fears the scars in his soul cut so deeply that he may never be able to offer Alicia a love that is true.

After yet another bizarre mishap threatens her life, Alicia suspects the seemingly unrelated accidents that have plagued her loved ones are actually a killer's attempt to exterminate every member of her family. Despite the threat looming over her, learning to love the stranger she married may pose the greatest danger to her heart.

I have always loved a good romance! My definition of good romance is not Danielle Steele-esque, but rather follows the old fashioned Victoria Holt style. So, did I think this was a good romance story? Yes, I did. Enough romance to satisfy the romantic in me and enough adventure to keep me hooked. I read this one in a day - took it with me in the car as I chauffeured around my kids. Departing from my usual loathing of red lights, I actually hoped for them so I could read a few more paragraphs as I waited. The characters were appealing and well-developed and there were enough twists and turns that I had to keep on reading. The characters stayed with me even after I finished reading. There were a few copy errors, but that aside, I thoroughly enjoyed this read. I have thought about lending out my copy, but can't part with it yet. So, for now, I highly recommend buying your own and reading it. To read an excerpt from this novel and check out other works by Donna Hatch, check out her website at

I am looking forward to her novel 'Guise of a Gentleman' coming in April 2010.

Book Sale!

Need some sweet romance to sigh your way through the holidays? Here you go: Merry Christmas and happy wishes for however you celebrate!