Well, here goes, I'm shooting for the moon:

Sometimes we have to set our goals so lofty that we cannot escape the work that goes into it every day. I know that if I want to run (or walk, as I am doing) a half-marathon (or even a full), that I have to commit to an exercise regimen six days a week. It's okay to miss a day here or there, but never two in a row.
Writing isn't any different. If we want to write that novel, we have to commit to writing a little bit every day. SO much easier said than done. Life gets in the way sometimes. But you know what? Every day except Sundays and the occasional day I have an early appointment, I am walking 3-4 miles. My husband goes along too, he's my walking Accountability Partner. If I'm tired or don't feel like walking, he's there, encouraging me to put my shoes on and get out the door. (I love our long walks, so it's a pretty easy persuasion).
Find an Accountability Partner for your writing. Set personal goals. Do a little every day. Make it a habit. Our writing group has a goal of 2300 words before we meet again. It's only 100 words a day (excepting Sundays). Easy peasy, right? But if I want to reach it I have to change my ways and start writing just a little every day. I'll be reporting to my APs, my group, and here on my blog. Would love to have you join me. Leave a comment and let me know what your goal is. As always, Write On my friends!