Other Things

Monday, September 11, 2017

Sarah M. Eden's Love Remains

Another fun Book Tour scheduled for Love Remains by Sarah M. Eden:

September 11 - My Book A Day
             Smiling Book Reviews
              Peggy Urry (you're here!)
September 12 - Bookworm Lisa
Wishful Endings           
Getting Your Read On
September 13 - LDS Writer Mom
Min Reads and Reviews
September 14 - Literary Time Out
Heidi Reads
Singing Librarian Books
September 15 - Katie's Clean Book Collection
                         Why Not? Because I Said So!
Mel’s Shelves

Back of the Book: For nearly a year, Tavish O’Connor has carried the crushing weight of his family’s future on his shoulders. He has taken on the care of his youngest brother, Finbarr, who lost his eyesight in a terrible accident. But the lad needs more than Tavish can provide. Finbarr needs hope.

Cecily Attwater specializes in hope. As a tutor to the newly blind, she has dedicated her life to helping others overcome the obstacles she herself has conquered. Her new assignment in a remote corner of Wyoming proves trickier than usual: Finbarr refuses to learn. To make matters worse, his family—and the other Irish townspeople—are less than thrilled to discover an Englishwoman in their haven.

Cecily’s only hope lies in securing the cooperation of her pupil’s brother, Tavish, who happens to be her harshest critic and quite possibly the most frustrating man she’s ever known.

For Finbarr’s sake, Tavish and Cecily forge an uneasy alliance that, as the weeks pass, tiptoes toward something deeper than either dares admit or face, and toward a future they know to be impossible. There can be no hope of a happy outcome for an Irish man and an English woman amongst a people reeling from violence and centuries of hatred between their two homelands.

My take: I laughed, I cried, I felt for the very real characters in this novel and it made me want to be a better person. Highly recommend. (It isn't necessary, but may be helpful to read Longing for Home Book 2 Hope Springs).

You can catch up with Sarah here:

Be sure to pick up your own copy of Love Remains and don't forget to enter the GIVEAWAY!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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