Other Things

Monday, December 28, 2015


Reebok has a line by JJ Watt (defensive end for the Houston Texans football team) and as you can read above, it says, 'HUNT GREATNESS'.

Santa brought me one of those t-shirts and I love it. To me, it goes beyond hoping for greatness, or working for greatness. It means searching with stealth and determination--giving up is not an option. You WILL find it.

That's going to be my mantra for 2016. HUNT GREATNESS.

Here are a few ways I'm starting:

Reading the life-changing magic of tidying up by Marie Kondo. (This book will be featured in January's blog posts over on the Five Pages of Something blog).

Finishing a writing project.

Blogging over on Five Pages about the craft of writing.

Taking control of my health (thanks to my health coaches Zack and Andrea Jackson).

It's a tall order, but let's do this together! Let's Hunt Greatness!

Where will you start?

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