Other Things

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Day TEN! Christmas Socks

Myself and 23 other authors are giving away one of our books during a very special 12 days of Christmas!

From Dec 14th to Dec 25th we are all giving away a book and winners will be announced daily. The book I am giving away is my new Children's book called: Christmas socks

Macy, Ally and Ruby love Christmas. But when Mom and Dad say they need to make Christmas presents for each other Macy isn't sure if she can make something her oldest sister Ruby will love. Find it on Amazon.com.


Its open from Dec 14th to Dec 23rd. On the 23rd I will announce a winner. Go to my Facebook page to enter.

I hope you enjoy Christmas Socks as much as I did writing it! :D

Cassie has loved stories since she was little. Her love of writing started even before she could write words. She was one to be found, reading late into the night, on the school bus or before she did her homework. In middle school she determined that she liked creating her own stories as much as she liked reading them; so she decided she wanted to be an author and keeps working on making that dream come true with every story idea that bounds into her head.

Find out more about Cassie and her books at her website: www.cassiemshiels.com or visit her blog: www.cassiethewriter.blogspot.com

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