Other Things

Monday, October 5, 2015

Of Weddings and Blessings and Getting Things Done

I grew up in the sticks. One gas pump at the small country store. If you didn't want to cook, you headed to the saloon. My mom and dad, in their wisdom, joined 4-H and dragged us along.
It was awesome. I learned about raising chickens, working with leather, art, and a variety of other things. But one of the best things my mom taught me was how to sew. Until last Halloween, I hadn't sewn anything in a long time. I'd forgotten how much I love it. You can see the project at my post on Creativity.

My daughter is getting married and the dress she fell in love with was way outside my budget. I looked at the dress and knew I could make it. I spent hours gathering what I needed. One thing I lacked was motivation, another was a block of time. (Does that sound familiar with novel writing?) My mom, again to the rescue, came to stay and has been my task master, reminding me we have a dress to make and helping me sew and fit it and stay on task.

Who helps you stay on task? If you don't have an accountability partner, find one. They make a difference when you need that extra push.


  1. Thanks for being one of my accountability partners...and if I ever take up serious sewing you can be my AP for that, too.

    1. Happily! So grateful for amazing APs and easy friendships.

  2. I did 4-H too - us 'hicks' have to do something ;-) Good luck on the wedding plans!

    1. Right?! Planning away and trying to stay sane.


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