Other Things

Monday, April 20, 2015

"Pick a Fight with the Toughest Guy on the Team"

My husband likes to listen to sports/talk radio when he is in the car. Generally, I don't pay too much attention to it, but one day we were driving and the announcer, Ron Wolfley, said something that stuck with me. I apologize I don't remember the story, because I'm sure it was a good one (something about fighting). His brother told him to "pick a fight with the toughest guy on the team."

At first glance, one might question the wisdom in that, but I believe it's true. These are just a couple of things I learned from this:

First, if the guy we're picking a fight with is the toughest, we may reconsider our decision. It requires us to think about our choices. Perhaps gives us a chance to do something smarter.

Second, if we're going into a fight with the toughest guy, we dang well better be prepared. We should know our opponent and we should be training harder and working smarter every day.

Third, a fight doesn't necessarily mean face to face combat. It could mean the promotion we want, it could mean that book we want to write, it could mean being the best mom and wife, it could mean olympic medals, or it could simply mean we face each day, each challenge with a smile, determined to beat the toughest 'guy' on the team.

Write on my friends and may your challenges be a little lighter!

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