Other Things

Friday, August 17, 2012

The Healing Balm of Good-bye Letters

Last Good-bye Letters is a Facebook page dedicated to exactly that, Last Goodbye Letters. My friend, Susan Geer, had an amazing and healing experience that she shares and hopes you will be able to learn from it and even contribute to her larger project of compiling these letters into a book.

She also has a website by the same name: Last Goodbye Letters. It's a beautiful website and I encourage you to take a look and, of course, contribute if you can.


  1. Greetings!

    I am hopping over from GUTGAA and trying to visit some blogs before the fun begins. Nice to meet you...you have a lovely blog!

    Donna L Martin

  2. Thank you Donna! You're so ahead of the game, I need to follow your example.


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