Other Things

Monday, June 18, 2012

More Summer Reading

So recently I was fortunate to vacation in Hawaii for a week with my Knight In Shining Armor. Hawaii, as always, was fabulous. I had lots of time to relax, eat local food (YUM!), catch up with friends, and yes, read some great books. These are the books that I read: Edenbrooke by Julianne Donaldson, Seeking Persephone by Sarah M. Eden, Surrender (ARC) by Elana Johnson, The Duke's Undoing by G.G. Vandagriff.

I will give you my thoughts on each one (don't worry, I'll keep it short).

Edenbrook: I read it twice. Yes, it was that good. One of the best books I've read in a long time. It's a regency romance and I loved the characters and the way they fit so nicely into their roles (Donaldson makes it look so easy, but it's really not). The characters have stayed with me and I know I will read this one again. One of the best things about it is that I can recommend it to my friends! (and some of you know, I have).

 Seeking Persephone: Loved this one, too. Eden does a great job weaving the story and the characters. A serious tale sprinkled with humor in all the right spots. Wishing I could get my hands on more of her stuff. Sigh.

Surrender: Umm. It you haven't read Possession (book one of this series), buy it, read it, and then move on to Surrender. Liked it more than I did Possession. I'll admit, I was a little apprehensive about starting this one as I didn't like the ending of book one. But, after a few days of staring at the book, I gave in. Ah, sweet surrender. If you're a fan of dystopian, this is a must-read. Get it, read it. Today.

The Duke's Undoing: Liked the story, liked the characters, but the ending fell a little flat for me. I felt like there were things that weren't really wrapped up (or maybe just not wrapped up the way I thought they should be). It's a sweet regency romance, and I love those, so it was good reading, just a little disappointed at the end.

Enjoy your summer reading.

Disclaimer: I bought these books and received no compensation (other than great reading!) for these reviews.


  1. Thanks for the reviews. So do you have Edenbrooke out on loan already? Not that I have time to read it anyway!

  2. I've heard such wonderful things about Edenbrooke. Can't wait to read it. LOVED Seeking Persephone. I so crush on Adam anyway. I have Surrender and it will be my next read. Hadn't heard about The Duke.


  3. I keep hearing about Edenbrooke. Sounds like I'm going to have to read it.

  4. Hi Peggy. Thanks for the comment on my blog. Do you have an email address that I can send a copy of Searching for Arthur to?

  5. Peggy I loved your reviews. They told me the things I wanted to know.
    I had Seeking Persephone on my to read list may have to move it up. I also had Surrender on my to read list and your review was perfect,got to get to it soon.
    I had not heard of Edenbrooke I will plan on it now and recommend it to some relatives as it sounds like their type too.


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