Other Things

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Today I spent an hour in kindergarten helping with 'workshop'. Workshop is a series of activities the adorable little kindergarteners do ranging from their name, the day and date, patterns, number writing and recognition, letter writing and recognition, a treat if they finish nine of the activities, etc.

They are at a variety of stages in their learning even at this early stage. Some have had the preparations provided by preschool and others are starting from scratch. They really are adorable--I wasn't sarcastic in saying that in the previous paragraph. They are so eager to learn and so happy to be at school. What a great hour spent. (side note: kindergarten is my speed as opposed to teenagers who I cannot keep up with).

In our writing, we all have to start somewhere. Some of us are just starting our learning journey, others of us are in the middle and some of us have many published books under our belt. What if we had given up in the middle of kindergarten? We cannot give up now. We must keep learning and keep working at becoming better. So, until next time, Write On my friends!

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