Other Things

Saturday, June 26, 2010

The Pool

It's been finished for a week now. The kids have played in it every day and my youngest has finally learned to swim. Through this adventure, I've thought about two things.

First the process of refinishing the pool from start to finish. Our salesman was fantastic and very knowledgeable - hence the choice of his company over a few others. We signed all the papers and went down to the showroom and picked out our color and our tile. They came and chipped out the old plaster. Then we waited. And waited. A worker showed up one morning to place the tile turtles on the step. This was fine except that I wasn't home and my husband kept sending pictures as I drove. Then we waited and waited some more. We called. They looked into it and I guess there was some confusion about who was installing some anchors. They finally came out and did a blue pebble-sheen finish.

So what does this have to do with writing? It's a long process, from rough draft to polished copy, but in the end we aim to have something wonderful that people will enjoy.


The second thing that occurred to me is that sometimes we have to jump in, learn all we can about our craft, trust our mentors (our crit groups, our editors, our agents etc.), have fun, and give it our all. Then, before you know it we are swimming like pros. Jump in and Write On!


  1. Okay. Love the post and the POOL! Having just come from too many errands in the heat of the day - I'm ready to jump in!!! Oh, but I think you meant writing.

  2. You're welcome to use it! It's been nice - Gannon can finally swim and the kids are in it all the time.

  3. WHere do you live Peggy? Are you ready pool crashers? It's gorgeous.
    Fun analogies too.

  4. We live in Gilbert, Arizona. You're welcome to join the swimming if you don't mind water guns and cannonballs. :-)

  5. Your pool looks gorgeous and your analogy apt.


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